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Default 11-23-2004, 10:32 AM

fps is cl_showfps 1 or 2

To spawn enemies, sv_cheats 1 then follow this long ass guide.

[quote:159f9]Well..many have played through the game, and seeing as alot of people dislike CS:Source because it's just too overplayed and loved, all they have is HL 2's single player mode.

By no means is this mode bad, I found the story very nice.. the ending was nice, and the game seemed to drag on and had PLENTY of exciting moments (the airboat...the striders... so forth..) but after beating it on Hard or Normal, you pretty much know the game now.

This is a guide to spawning many of the NPC's that litter the world. From Antlions to Zombies, to Headcrabs and Combine, I'll detail how to spawn each of these, to make many battles that you might want to set up.. this is something I spent some hours figuring out with the 'beta'.

Learning the Console

Simply, the console is used to change alot of game values and do some cheats... change settings etc.. It lists alot of what you do (mainly saving and whatever you do in the console).

To enable the console, go to the Main Menu OR press ESC to go to the pause menu, then go to Options, Keyboard, Advanced and click Developer Console
This allows you to press ~ (Tilde) to open the console. Many should be familiar with this.

Now, whenever in-game or in the menu, just press ~ to open the console. This also pauses the game.

Whenever you type anything in the console box, it will list things based on the letter or series of letters you input, these listings are basically what start with whatever you typed. EXAMPLE:

I type R.
It lists R_3dnow, R_3dsky 1, so forth. You can scroll through these by pressing up and down, this way you can look for something easily.

Basic Console Commands

Now.. this area will just be console items you can input to make your FPS rise a little.

Items will be listed Command 1/0 . 1/0 means you can toggle it on and off using 1 or 0 respectively.

r_3dsky 1/0 - Turns off the clouds and sky effects. SOME FPS is gained, not a lot though.

r_shadows 1/0 - As far as I know, all it changes is being able to use flashlights. It might disable shadows though.

r_dynamic 1/0 - I believe it disables dynamic water effects... not quite sure. Disable if you don't like the water or there is alot of water and it lags you.

r_lod 1/0 - Not sure...supposedly helps FPS (if someone can test this or I test myself, will update)

This is all I know so far, but they seem to help.

Now for some cheats:
NOTE:You have to enable SV_cheats to use them.

sv_cheats 1/0 (1 to enable cheats, otherwise they don't work)

God - Simple eh? God mode. Invincible.

Buddha - Takes away damage or something..

Noclip - Back from the Quake 1 days... you can fly basically, through walls, floors, doors so forth.

Notarget - Enemies don't know your there, some triggers still happen though, like Antlions popping up or enemies/allies spawning at parts of the map.

Impulse 101 - All weapons, full ammo.

Impulse 102 - Spawns a human skull that just pops out of the sky..

Impulse 82 - Spawns buggy. Fun!

cl_drawhud 1/0 - turns hud display on/off

and now Map

Map - loads a map from the SP campaign.

Maps * - loads a list of maps you can play.

These are just basics... next we start the NPC stuff

Advanced Spawning Commands

Finally.. the point of my guide...

This will detail how to spawn all kinds of NPC's such as the ones stated in the beginning.

We start with the command NPC_create. This is the base of all of the spawning. I spent hours figuring out what the base enemies were called so I could spawn them.

NPC_create - creates an NPC...can NOT be used by itself.

NPC_create NPC_(name here) - this is how it is basically used.

NPC_create_aimed - same as the first create command, but the NPC you spawn is aimed away from you.

NPC_create_equipment - this is where you give your NPC's weapons. They can all only use what they use during the game (Pulse rifle, SMG, pistol, RPG, Shotgun). You have to change this to each one when you want spawn enemies with different weapons.

NPC_citizen_auto_player_squad 1/0 - This makes citizens automatically join your squad when you get near them. Cannot be used unless the next command is set to '1'.

NPC_citizen_auto_player_squad_allow_use 1/0 - This HAS to be on to allow the citizens to join you.

NPC_barnacle_Swallow 1/0 - thrown in for laughs..make an NPC go to a barnacle and he will be gibbed

Now we go to the NPC and weapon lists.

NPC's are always accessible, nomatter what map. So long as you name it correctly, it will spawn.

List of NPC's:

These are used as: npc_create npc_citizen for example, it spawns a citizen at the spot your crosshair is pointed at.

Good guys:

npc_antlion* (only good if you have Pheropods, or BugBait)

Bad guys:

npc_combine_s (regular combine soldier)

*NOTE 1: Will attack Antlions. Nomatter what.

*NOTE 2: Will attack anyone but you (ONLY if you have bugbait.) (this includes Citizens.)

NOTE 3: Warning! do not get Bugbait or antlions will sit still like idiots.

I'm trying to get sentry guns, manhacks, and more to spawn but all I got was a strider... which started under the level.

NPC_create_equipment weapons:

weapon_smg1 (normal SMG everyone uses)
weapon_ar2 (pulse rifle)
weapon_pistol (pistol)
weapon_shotgun (shotgun)
weapon_rpg (rocket launcher, they use it against ANYTHING. does not work with Combine)

So, to spawn a citizen that has an RPG, and will follow you:

NPC_citizen_auto_player_squad 1
NPC_citizen_auto_player_squad_allow_use 1
NPC_create_equipment weapon_rpg
NPC_create npc_citizen

Now you have a citizen, with an RPG, that is in your squad. He will follow all orders and shoot to kill.

To bind yourself 4 keys to spawn a Zombie, a Citizen, an Antlion, and a Combine Soldier, use this:

In the console:

Bind M "npc_create npc_zombie"
Bind , "npc_create npc_antlion"
Bind . "npc_create npc_citizen"
Bind / "npc_create npc_combine_s"

If you can't use one of those keys or want to rebind to somewhere just change the letter or whatever to something that you would like.

Now, all you have to do is point, press, and they are spawned. All NPC's have logic and AI instantly built into them, so they do all the soldiers in SP do, or Antlions, so forth..

Copyright 2004 by Rhett (Patrick L. Moore)

By a man named inty
hey thanks i have been trying to figure this stuff out too. heres alist of npc's you can spawn. i havnt been able to figure them all out though ! p.s for the striders and choppers etc noclip and go in the air so they dont spawn underground

give npc_barney
give npc_mossman
give npc_breen
give npc_alyx
give npc_gman
give npc_eli
give npc_dog
give npc_vortigaunt
give npc_citizen (spawns random citizens)

give npc_zombie
give npc_fastzombie
give npc_poisonzombie
give npc_headcrab
give npc_headcrab_black (poison one)
give npc_barnacle (might cause crash)
give npc_antlion

give npc_strider
give npc_helicopter
give npc_metropolice (no weapon)
give npc_combine_s
give npc_combinegunship
give npc_manhack
give npc_csscanner

npc_crow (doesnt fly)
npc_seagull (doesnt fly)

npc_barnacle_tongue_tip (untried)

NOTE instead of give on these you must type create_npc_xxxxx unless u enable noclip [/quote:159f9]

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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