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Default 11-24-2004, 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by Buckweed
Originally Posted by bukdez
Originally Posted by Buckweed
well if they can differentiate being retarded and not retarded, why don't they just be not retarded?
ok, no offence but you are retarded... i can differentiate between black and white, so can i just be black now?...
this is exactly when Im asking. if a non retarded person like you and me knows the difference between being black and white, and you wanted to act black well, then we can just act black, same goes for a retard, if they know they're retarded and are differnt from being normal, why cant they just act like they're normal.

I ask this because I recently went to the doctors and he said when the next full moon occurs, I will transform into a retard.
oOo: I assume your doctor is kidding you, but to answer your question, the word RETARD literally means SLOW LEARNER... It is only possible for retards to function at a certain level, they may know that they are retarded, especially in mild cases, but simply lack the brain power and mechanisms to function beyond or well beyond that level... It is NOT a choice, they are limited in thier personality and actions by the level of brain power they posses... therefore, most retarded people can NOT act like they're 'normal' people...

but most 'normal' people have no trouble acting like retards...
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