Originally Posted by Zoner
Fuck off with the blatant political flamebait, you jerkoffs. mad:
Respect the man who died doing something that most of us pussies would piss ourselves if we had to do it. If this degrades into a political dick-waving match, it gets locked. Capice?
e-word. have a little respect you cunts.
Hearing stories like this makes me proud to be born from the same country as these brave young men.
When In the locker room changing after lifting a old friend of mine from football that graduated 2 or 3 years ago comes in, hes a marine scout/sniper back from Iraq. He was over there for a few months and has 9 confirmed kills including one wioth a 9mm from point blank range while clearing houses. These men fighting theyre not warriors from differnt countries or nameless soldiers, theyre people i grew up with, kids i went to school with and kids i played ball with. Respect them, just because you dont know any soldiers doesnt give you right to shit on my country or their service.
Grow up kiddies.