Originally Posted by tomxtr
Originally Posted by Pyro
Would you rather me say he was a little arrogant cunt who deserved to die? Wow, i guess calling him a good man is disrespect. I will not respect the man who sent him to his death in a unjustifiable way.
He died doing his job. I'm proud of all of our troops. Sure, it is probably safe to assume that a percentage of the troops do not believe in what we are doing there, but intimating that his death was for a bullshit cause diminishes his service to the country and sucks for the moral of the troops still fighting. Sure, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and this is just the opinion of this asshole.
I see it as the opposite, a beacon and future reminder of the price of war, for which we so rarely understand or comprehend. Thats how I see it buddy. Lest we forget ?
Originally Posted by tom
Your thickheaded aswell if you don't see where we come from on this issue as well. I understand how you see. Why can't you see ours ?