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Default 11-25-2004, 10:34 PM

That one scene in "Backdoor sluts 9" where all 7 of the chicks grab the guy and they st....

(half an hour later)

I'd say, and flame as you want, but the scene in gladiator where the senators have a meeting at this little cafe outside the colliseum...they all just sort of sit back and relax and watch the day to day happenings in Rome like it's nothing at all...mean time there's fucking cows running around everywhere covered in mud, people are selling like eyeballs and greek gunpowder (can't remember what they actually called it back then, seeing as how, you know, there wouldn't have been guns)

I just think that would be 1337 to get to sit and relax and really see the life as it was then. Plus, chicks in togas rock:
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