Alexander....ja oder nein? -
11-26-2004, 01:38 AM
So I'm back in town for thanksgiving break and a friend of mine has free tickets to see a sneak preview of alexander monday night. I was pretty excited to see this movie, I'm a history major and I love big epic historic movies...and I knew there was so much they could do with a movie about alexander the great...However, I was soon in a for a rude awakening....out of more than 10 years of alexanders life which were spent in a constant state of warfare....the movie only shows 2 battle scenes...and guagelmela which was a pretty cool scene....could have been so much better. Seriously, you know the movie is sucking when theres more guy on guy action then there is actual fighting....Now I'm not saying the movie was terrible, I could apreciate most of it because they did alot of forshadowing of his past and they tried to bring to life the "human side" of alexander by showing his personal life and the diferent problems he faced, etc. which was ok, but nothing I would have wanted to pay for. Bottom line is this, if you aren't big into history then this movie blows cock....there is little or no action in this movie, which is a shame because in a movie about one of the great conquerors of all time they leave out so many battles and campaigns its not even funny. I mean in a movie about alexander the great they didnt even talk about or really show his "companion cavalry" which was his elite cavalry force... hake: Anyways, I'd say the movie was a big disapointment...they could have done so much with it...but didn't, anyone else see it?