11-26-2004, 10:01 PM
If the democratic party cant figure out that they need more than the north east and california to win the election, they are too dumb or too out of touch to deserve the presidency.
When this whole thing started, it was "anyone but bush", but kerry was so far left, he would never carry the south or the midwest.
Which demorats have been in the whitehouse in the last 20 years? And where have they come from? The south you say? Hmmm......
Which ones have been defeated? And where have they come from? The northeast you say? Hmmm......
And to think, you dont even need to pay me for this consulting work.
Quit letting the liberal northeast decide who wins the primarys, and the democrats may have a chance again. But as it stands, they are out of touch with the politics of the majority of the country. Howard Dean, John Clark, even Edwards would have beaten bush, Kerry was doomed from the start.