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Default 11-27-2004, 12:14 AM

Originally Posted by TonyMontana
no pierce brosnan isnt doing bond anymore
There was an AWESOME article in the Toronto Star (take a guess what city it ships in) for entertainment, where their reporter went down to interview Pierce Brosnan and Brosnan totally blew him apart in the interview

Basically called all the Bond's a hobby rather than anything worth his time, called "after the sunset" (the movie he was supposed to be pimping) a light, airy, worthless flick, just totally blew the interview apart, and then walked out on like minute 9 of a 20 minute interview

It was leet


Here the motherfucker is:

[url:b5a14] eid=970599119419[/url:b5a14]

I love it

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