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Default 08-09-2002, 06:11 PM

Guys don't confuse download speeds with latency ( ping ) or packet loss.

It's never the ISP's fault :wink: !

You will be able to download very fast but it may take a little extra time for that first packet to get from your computer to the server your requesting a download from. Once the download starts its just a steady stream from that point.

When playing MOH your sending all kinds of new and unique packets. These take time thus you see lag.

tracert will show you each hop (router) and the time it takes to receive a packet from that hop. All the way to your destination.

Here is an example of my tracert

[code:3e7e9]C:\Documents and Settings\jim>tracert

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 5 ms 5 ms 20 ms
2 6 ms 6 ms 6 ms
3 109 ms 9 ms 14 ms
4 9 ms 8 ms 15 ms []
5 12 ms 10 ms 12 ms
6 63 ms 35 ms 64 ms []
7 37 ms 35 ms 36 ms []
8 * 92 ms 43 ms
9 49 ms 54 ms 51 ms []
10 65 ms 49 ms 52 ms []
11 70 ms 56 ms 48 ms []
12 49 ms 52 ms 48 ms []
13 52 ms 54 ms 53 ms POS5-1.BR5.CHI2.ALTER.NET []
14 56 ms 52 ms 55 ms []
15 51 ms 51 ms 53 ms []
16 59 ms 55 ms 80 ms []

17 68 ms 77 ms 58 ms []
18 * 82 ms 60 ms []
19 60 ms 63 ms 59 ms []
20 * * * Request timed out.
21 * 65 ms 60 ms
22 62 ms 63 ms 66 ms

Trace complete.[/code:3e7e9]
I live in RI, the server is located in Boston Mass. You would think I am very close to the server, but looking at this you see that I an getting to the server via Chicago -> NY then to Boston. I know for a fact that normally my provider ( cox cable ) exits in Altanta. For some reason. Most of my packets are going through ATT's system. This may be caused from the MCI/worldcom fall out and my provider is taking no chances.

This also shows some packet loss round my 18 - 21st hop. These look like they are located at my game servers provider. Who ever they have to provide Internet access to the servers running MOH

This is the first time I have looked at a tracert to the dedicated server. I will be keeping an eye on this. if this continues I will contact the provider and see if they are getting any other complaints.

tracert can be a very helpful tool when looking at lag from a game server.

This is a very basic overview of tracert . There are other GUI tools that do a much better job at this then from a command prompt.

Not so Rude
- Rudedog
Follow me via Twitter @THErealRUDEDOG
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