08-10-2002, 02:15 AM
Very good..
Except I do not think that the Chist whose wordsI have heard would want people Martyred in his name.
So no I would not die for Christ
Yes if Chist was supposed to die for our sins, I'd have to say my life is worth his death
And yes I am sure that if there is a God man in his imperfection has his name.
Where will I live enterinty, not really worried about it, I don't believe in hell. a childs scare tactic. When we die we maybe cease to exsist... whatever helps you make it through your life and helps you to be a good person is alright by me. But when that believe is used to hurt or condem people that do not believe as you I think then just maybe there might be a hell waiting for some very suprised people.
I could be wrong, religon is not my forte.