08-10-2002, 02:19 AM
who says eternity isn't the exact same thing as sleeping, I personally would rather have my life gone, kaput.....dead to the world.....no afterlife, just feel like i'm sleeping without any dreams or nightmares
I live my life, eternity is well spent as nothing
God has already answered all possible questions in His finished Word, the Bible.
and yet we believe this is the truth
this "religion" stuff has given more death then it has answered our questions
why do good people die, why do bad people live, why because this "god" is playing us for fools
You say having a 4 year old kidnapped and killed is like teaching mankind a lesson, ya like this is going to stop it from happeneing again
Mankind is its own right is generally evil, who says we weren't created by evil
We have done more evil in this world then good, we fucked up the peacefulness before there was man, or when man was just stupid
Our world is based on violence, why animals have to kill to survive, why humans murder other humans, violence is the key