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Default 12-04-2004, 10:59 PM

Originally Posted by TonyMontana
no one "really" leaves

Thats total bullshi-

Wait...good point...
But honestly, Buck boy, all i can really say from the looks of it is what you've sort of glossed over here anyways...this is a serious attention whore page. If you're worried you're being too much of a mod on people, thats tough shit for them, BS picked you as a mod, so you do your effin job and don't listen to the moans from below. And as far as i can tell, you've been a pretty good mod, taking special consideration for what happens in OT seperate from the rest of the forums and all.

And if its whats wrong with you as a person that you're begging for advice on, honestly, whats more annoying than someone who begs to know how they can change and shows that they have absolutely no personality except that which people want them to have a man, stop asking for directions biggrin:

Whats important is that you end every message with calmdown: calmdown: calmdown: calmdown: calmdown: