Originally Posted by Milla
Dude believe me, when some girl comes along that you really like, but she maybe to skiny but her personality is awesome and than you end up loving her...you just gonna not love her anymore? Looks fade fast man, you really need to look at inner beauty, i know im sounding gay right now but its true. My best friend, she isnt the best looking girl i know, her skin is pale and she is very skinny, i normally dont go for girls like that. But i was friends with her, now we've been best of friends for over a year and a half and i lover her to death, i'd do anything to be with her. I'd do anything to be wit hher forever. Why? Because i love her for her, not the way she looks (granted she is far from ugly) but i see the way she is on the inside and thats why im so attracted to her.
Milla, you have a beautiful mind. [img]http://jmc7.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/gf1/lets_do_it_wild.gif[/img][/quote:78ae9]
lol danke.