08-10-2002, 02:41 PM
Being sniped is one of my pet peeves because it's just point and click but on the other hand it's made me better and dekeing and dodging so I wont complain and I know it must irritate the hell out of a sniper when I keep leaving his scope's field of view.
Rockets are not anti-personel weapons but since newer maps have had drivable vehicles at least they're slowly becoming relevent.
Shotguns weren't used by either side in WWII and only serve to placate the quake'rs who really wish they had a nail gun. IMHO there really should be no shotguns in the game... they simply weren't used. This is further evidenced by the fact that both sides share the same make/model of shotgun.....wtfe!
Grenades.... I read a testemonial of an old vet who'd stormed omaha. In his story he mentioned his kit. It includes 6 grenades. 6 'nades on a soldier is not UNrealistic but what is unrealistic is them being used in a 2 minutes time frame. Real soldiers knew they might not have their ammo replentished for days or even weeks so I've no doubts that although they may have a half dozen, they sure as hell used them more sparingly.
Camping doesn't bother me on the objective maps. Someone's got to be a last line of defence. On the DM maps I equate camping to cowardice.