1st Lieutenant
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Join Date: Jun 2002

12-09-2004, 09:24 AM
Hey Ninty, I'm taking AY 101 and 102 right now. We talked about quasars, and the appearance of it moving faster than light speed. I found it interesting. Also the aspect of time and velocity slowing down for materials that are being pulled in by black holes is pretty interesting stuff.
I don't believe that anything has visited us yet, and like Ninty, I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. The Universe is expanding, because eventually the gravitational pull of the stars, including the Sun, is becoming weaker and weaker. Same thing applies to Earth's gravitational pull, which is causing the Moon to slowly drift away. Somedat, the distance of the Moon to Earth will be great enough that the gravitational pull is not sufiicient anymore, and the Moon will just fly off into space. Same thing applies to the planets in the Solar System.
Part IV is dominated by similarly hard, fact-based evidence handed down to us from the Sumerians, Earth’s very first high culture, from 4,000 to 6,000 years ago, preceding the Egyptians by nearly 1,000 years. The Sumerians are the greatest single puzzle of antiquity, having walked straight from the Stone Age into a full-blown culture with over 100 of the “firsts” that we currently attribute to an advanced society. They were, in fact, the highest of the ancient high cultures.
The Sumerians left behind extensive writings on more than one hundred thousand clay tablets that described their thoughts and opinions regarding politics, economics, law, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, and history, to name only a few areas of their wide-ranging expertise. More to the point, on roughly 5,000 of those tablets they detail their inexplicable knowledge about how our solar system gained its final shape, how life came to be on Earth, and how humanity itself came to be here.
The scholars who translated those tablets in the latter half of the 19th century (1850-1900) considered them so utterly implausible, if not patently absurd, they consigned them all to what became known as the “myth pile.” After that, no one bothered to take them seriously until the 1950's, when a man named Zecharia Sitchin began rummaging around in the ignored and forgotten myth pile, acting on his belief that post-Stone Age “primitives” could not possibly have possessed the collective imagination, nor gained the real-world experience, to develop such a highly creative, technically sophisticated “mythology.” Mr. Sitchin felt they were in all likelihood telling the truth as they understood and believed it, and fifty years of brilliant research have produced seven books that outline the truly mind-boggling things the Sumerian tablets say (which are summarized in Part IV).
What they say is that everything the Sumerians knew was told to them by a race of superior beings they called “gods,” with a small “g,” who, ironically, were the original “gods” of the Old Testament. Those “gods” came to live and work on Earth from another planet in our solar system, a planet unlike any other, with an elliptical, 3600-year orbit that carries it from a perihelion between Mars and the inner edge of the Asteroid Belt to an aphelion well beyond the orbit of Pluto, in the deepest reaches of space. Ironically, modern astronomers strongly suspect that such a large celestial body (which they call “Planet X”) exists, because of its subtle gravitational effects on the inner planets. Unfortunately, it is currently so far removed from Earth’s orbit (just as the Sumerian tablets indicate), its location cannot be pinpointed.
The Sumerian tablets further contend that the “Anunnaki,” the formal name for the “gods” from the planet “Nibiru,” came to live on Earth over 400,000 years ago because they needed gold to repair their atmosphere (by a process detailed in the book), which they had damaged during their rise to a high technology, the same way we are damaging Earth's atmosphere on our rise to a high technology. Because mining gold is such difficult work, at around 250,000 years ago the Anunnaki genetically engineered humans to be their slaves (again, by a process detailed in the book). For as improbable as that might sound, our genes do in fact contain clear, undeniable evidence that we were created by genetic engineering between 200,000 and 250,000 years ago, in precisely the place where the Sumerian tablets claim the Anunnaki created us: in southern Africa!