Thread: The End Is NIE
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Kraut Killer is Offline
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Default 12-09-2004, 02:34 PM

Okay... here's the deal. I can in fact prove the existance of extraterrestrials. How? you ask... well, don't be so fucking impatient and I'll tell you. Because I am in fact an alien. I travelled from Nibiru because I needed work. Those ancient humans were retards and didn't understand what we meant by "atmosphere" and "higher technology". We wanted gold to secure for retirement, when we said "atmosphere" we were talking about the "employment atmosphere". The higher technology was taking our jobs and changing the employment atmosphere. The machines were taking over our jobs... kind of like the Mexicans of this planet. Ya know... back on my planet I was... why are my hands sparkely?... WHAT? Oh yeah... back to my story...On Nibiru I was a doctor, making six figures driving a Tadnweeden, think of it as an intergalactic BMW, and living in a huge house out by the Poriunach Sea. Now... on your shittty planet, I work as a sales associate at Target. But I had to sell my Tadnee, the popular name for my ride... kind of like the "Beemer" for BMW's, to make rent on my studio apartment, and can't get back to Nibiru, but seeing as the planet will be lining up with us again in just eight years, I might be able to get a good cell signal and have my mom pick me up.
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