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Default 12-09-2004, 08:09 PM

Originally Posted by Blase
I can't understand the demographic they're trying to grab with this special.

Most of the hardcore gamers I know who would be really interested in this show hate rap, yet SpikeTV combines Hip Hop with Video Games. A combination I've yet to ever see outside of Parappa the Rapper and GTA.

The majority of the votes they're going to get are from casual college gamers who own an xbox and 2 or 3 games. Would be so much better if they got some staff members from some more well known devlopment companies like Rockstar or VALVe.

What does Snopp Dogg or Ludacris know about video games? Who even associates them with games?

I tottaly agree, rap/hip hop and video games don't Mix. And who likes this "snopp dogg" guy any way, I don't. He is just some criminal that can't get a reall job
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