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Default 12-09-2004, 11:21 PM

Originally Posted by Akuma
Says the fags on the interwebs who aren't fighting in Iraq. Hell I doubt any of you would ever serve your country.

Either go die for your country or stop critizing them.
I served - what have you done other than "mosh out" and read from the satanic bible? Yea - real "non-comformist". You and the other million or so post-modern-burn outs.

I can say is anyone who is derelict in their duties when MILLIONS depend on them is not only a righteous pussy on a scale of knee-jerk-bitch-foreigners-more-concerned-with-American-interests-than-their-own-fucked-up-nationalized-health-care-system, but also a traitor deserving of the strictest of punishment. You dont agree with the war - tough shit cocksucker theres nothing in that contract you signed that you and your fucking country had to be in agreement. You have a job to do - you KNEW the fucking risks when you signed up, now you compromise the safety of not only your asset (Iraqi people) but of your own fucking unit. . .

Any of you foreign shits - yes FOREIGN SHITS - who think leaving your unit behind is deserving of heroism need to get off the computer, get off your own god damn high horse, stop playing arm-chair quarterbacks and actually get a damn life.

That ANYONE would be cheering these people is absolutely ridiculous.

But hey - lets let people choose whats "morally" right for them to do. . .

Lets let the racist cop sit in his car while the black women is raped. He doesnt think shes human anyway - it goes against his beliefs to help her.

Or hey, lets let that doctor not perform emergency surgery on the illegal immigrant. Fuck his oath - he doesnt have to respect illegals. . .they arent here the right way.

I like this new system of saying fuck you to my contract and doing what I thin is right. . .

I like your point of view. I kind of disagreed with you in the beginning of your statement but you convinced me at the end. Well done. +1 rock:
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