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Command Sergeant Major
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Default 12-10-2004, 03:32 PM

[quote:f605a]1. The guy served in Afghanistan, yet doesn't want to serve in Iraq. So we can eliminate the fact that he is not a coward. For one.[/quote:f605a]

Bullshit. Hes a coward because instead of doing it the proper way - he pusies out and takes the easier way out.

[quote:f605a]2. Those were horrible comparisons to make Mr. Gay Fuck. On one hand you have to people using their morals to let people die, while on this case you have a man using his morals properly to not go and kill people in the interests of brainwashed conservatives.[/quote:f605a]

Talk about moral relatavism at its worst. “Its good because I agree with it” -

[quote:f605a]3. What do you find patriotic ?[/quote:f605a]

People who do their fucking duty.

[quote:f605a]A man standing up for true American values and morality ?[/quote:f605a]

It’s the American way to abandon your unit on the battlefield?

[quote:f605a] Or a guy who will just go where he is told, do something against his will, then live knowing what he did was wrong.[/quote:f605a]

Its called – doing your damn duty. Again – as soon as you can find me something in our militaries contract that says soldiers are able to desert if they disagree with what they’re doing, by all means –

[quote:f605a]This war is not for the good of the nation if you hadn't noticed.[/quote:f605a]

Probably right – not like Saddam Hussein wasn’t undermining the UN sanctions that were put in place against him. Not like he hadnt AT ALL pumped up his weapons development program, and brought in illegal weapons/ordinance. Not like he didn’t used banned weapons on us in the invasion. Not like he allowed his countrymen to starve so that he could demonstrate what the “evil US was doing to Iraqis with their sanctions”. Oh no not at all.

[quote:f605a]It has only torn it apart, gotten thousands killed, and ruined foreign relations.[/quote:f605a]

Our countries fine. Thanks for asking. Our foreign relations are fine. Thanks for asking. However, if youd like to spearhead the “Canadians Divorcing Themselves From America Drive” I will certainly sign that petition.

[quote:f605a]While pissing off thousands of muslims world wide[/quote:f605a]

You realize – that not all Muslims are terrorists right? And that Iraq is a SECULAR nation? You see this right?

[quote:f605a]thus making them now more likely to become radical.[/quote:f605a]


[quote:f605a]4. I take you telling us to get a life with a bit of disbeleif.[/quote:f605a]

A shiny coin could put you in a state of disbelief – don’t need me for that. . .

[quote:f605a] For One, I bust my ass off working 10 hours a day, as a night shift manager,(Which I busted my ass off to get) I get home, change, go work out get home sleep, then I do it over again for most of the week. I get one day off, and on that day, I get what little time I have to hang out with some freinds.[/quote:f605a]

Could give two shits what you do in your glorious life – because you “work hard” does NOT qualify you to have any more valid opinion on what is “right” than these evil baby killing Neo-Cons (or whatever buzzwords your vomitting up this week) you see desperately need to hate. You want to know why you need to get a life? Because you know all the “problems” yet have none of the answers. Where were you when we invaded Somalia – the Balkans – where were you when we launched missles into Iraq because of. . .wait for it. . .fail compliance with UN regulations? Where is your outrage at the Secretary Annan refusing to cooperate and in some instances stalling investigations into the Oil-For-Food program? Wheres the outrage that nations protesting the war in Iraq helped support Saddams regime of cruelty against his own people? Ill tell you where it is. . its in that same place all compassioned “libruls” keep their bullshit contradictory thoughts that keep their world views all nice and polished. Anything thatll shatter that gets stowed away real damn quick. I’d respect 1/10th of what you had to say if it wasn’t the same plantive bullshit I see on every blog on the interweb – youre as intellectual dishonest as all of your so-called liberal anti-Bush hereos – you could self-evaluate and call a spade a spade if a gun was to your head, and supporting the actions of desserters really only solidifies that. Hes not a hero and its only fitting that he choose Canada to call his home.
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