12-11-2004, 03:18 PM
ITS AMERICAN oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo: oOo:
THATS LIKE SINGING THE MARSAILLES IN GERMAN! annoy: annoy: annoy: annoy: annoy: annoy: annoy: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss: cuss:
stop nicking our bloody stuff damnit![/quote:7ce92]
I sure hope you're kidding, otherwise you're one huge asshole if you don't mind me saying.
The fact that you can't comprehend someone reading ( even if they're American, as if it matters anyways ) A War of the Worlds by HG Wells and being inspired to make a movie to share this great story( even if it's based loosely on the original novel ) to the public frightens me. Are you really that ignorant or just drunk?
Either way, the 1953 film was American, and no one seemed to care back then.