Originally Posted by "rdeyes":b74a1
Originally Posted by "geRV":b74a1
Originally Posted by "Sgt. Paine":b74a1
Originally Posted by "geRV":b74a1
Dare i say "only in america" theres not a tard smiley in the world big enough to cover the tartitude of this.
hmm because kids sell bombs to other kids to make money for Xmas gifts often over here huh? stfu
Eat a dick homo. You ever seen a news story anywhere else where a kid was trying to sell a fucking bomb at school? No now stfu, the_finger:
no your people just put them in shopping carts .. you STFU
Wtf are you slabbering about nublet? Shouldn;t you be out making ice cubes out of some of that excess of ice you eskimo's have up there?
Love how you;re trying to turn this around, so lets look at the facts, a 14 year old kid makes a bomb, parents obviously give a shit about him so much bomb making materials go un-noticed (nice parenting), kid brings bomb to school to sell, gg another columbine was narrowly averted. The fact that the cops searched his home and found 2 more unfinished pipe bombs says a lot about his mentality, even though some oOo: in the article said he didn;t mean any harm. Sorry but bombs are designed to be destructive.
As for bombs over here, warning were always given, you think the same would happen if some retard had bought that bomb? Can you compare a freedom fight to some stupid kid that just wanted to make a bomb for a quick dollar? Nope.
Oh, and eat a bowl of dick.
Dont talk bout Canada you peice of shit. fucken idiot[/quote:b74a1]
Come back to me when you can spell chief retard. Last i checked alaska was american soil, go back to studying some maps fuckwad.[/quote:b74a1]
Go fuck urself u stupid fucken american shit fuck with that gay farmer accent and friggin wanting to blow everything up with nukes and ur stupid gearge w fucken bush. So stfu nub.die[/quote:b74a1]
Uuuuhh yeah, so do you do mind bending drugs often? oOo: imwithstupid: