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Default 12-12-2004, 12:55 PM

Originally Posted by Coleman
council of trent bitches -- "If any one shall say that matrimony is not truly and properly one of the Seven Sacraments of the Evangelical Law, instituted by Christ our Lord, but was invented in the Church by men, and does not confer grace, let him be anathema."

Yeah, you're correct about saying that you don't need the church to get married.
Wow. They were narrow-minded peons then and they still are now: not really
surprising but quite a disappointment when you consider the progress we've
made. Comparing these "beliefs" with those of other religions keeping women
under control, you have to wonder if some bullshit wasn't added there too. If
you truly believe everything you've read from these often-modified scriptures,
do us a favor and shoot yourself. So much fucking fighting over something so
inconsequential to everyone but those concerned with the union. Is your God
really that juvenile or is it simply the "wise men" keeping the populace under
control ?
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