Thread: Anti-Porn guy
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Default 12-12-2004, 07:13 PM

He wants to run for office... Wow, i wonder if he will cry when he loses by the widest margin known to politics. His over the top ideals wont fly with 98% of america. Sure a few hardcore christians and crazies exsist that might agree with him on some things but hes way out on a limb with others. I mean im pretty hardcore when it comes to prisons being reformed into something a bit less country club, but to say you should only feed them bread and butter is denying them nutrients and minerals they need to stay alive. A 1 year sentance would be a death sentance.

He obviously hasnt put much thought into his extreamist ideals, and it shows glaringly. Im mean to ban cross race marriages, and to dictate that you must marry someone your color is a huge step backwards in globalazation, and uniting people, as a common people.

I wont even go into his "big brother" approach on forcing morals unto the world. Federal agents searching houses with no warrent and no cause breaches so many cival rights it boggels the mind.

I'll finish off by saying. What kind of a fucking dumbass dictates that woman must wear dresses, because jeans, slacks, skirts, and shorts are un lady like. Why dont we just push womans rights back 20 or so years, hell remove there right to vote while were at it. The guys a dumb fuck christian whos mind is so bent on his ideals that pointing out any facts that counter his "wisdom" would be discarded as "blasphamy".
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