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Default 12-13-2004, 11:03 PM

Originally Posted by Swill
Yeah and what are they connecting through? A modem by itself? i think not..... there has to be a router involved
You don't know anything. Look up Ad-Hoc networking.

99, using Ad-hoc mode is pretty bogus and unreliable. Like trip said you're results may vary... it will work but not consistently and probably not at the highest performance. I haven't read the enitre thread, are you on SP2? My suggesstion is to buy a router/AP combo or if you have a router, just buy an AP.

Come to think of it, if you don't have any more PCs than the 2 with WiFi cards, you can grab an AP and plug it straight into your modem so long as it does DHCP. I'd lock that down tite though you don't want some jerkass leeaching your shit and maybe even spamming or something off of it.
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