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*MoG*Quartus is Offline
Posts: 41
Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: VA
Default 08-11-2002, 05:21 AM

[quote:e39cf]What is the mystery behind number 144,000 that seems to be awefully small number, while thinking the population.[/quote:e39cf]

That is the # of messanic jews that will bring millions to Christ in the last days (the great tribulation).

[quote:e39cf]And what is with the "Book of life" which contains the name of every soul that is going to be saved.[/quote:e39cf]

The book of Life does contain the names of those who are saved and yes it is contantly being added too (never deleted from).

[quote:e39cf] are most of us born condamned? [/quote:e39cf]

No one is born condemned, all are given a opportunity to accept God's gift of eternal life. Yours could be right now, if you pass it by thats your choice.

[quote:e39cf]Quite nice trick to create us, give us our own free will and thinking brains, then tell us lore of the bible. If we decide to belive it we survive (How can this be, I am sure there are more than 144,000 belivers) and if we do not belive, then its one ticket down to the eternal sauna[/quote:e39cf]

I don't understand it all nor claim to, I accept by faith that God is in control.
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