Originally Posted by Fireal
Jin-Roh is spot on.
AC/DC is a fucking joke. And every fucking kid has their shirt "BACK IN BALACKNk1"
Led Zeppelin is also IMO one of the most overrated bands of all time, Bonham is leet though.
Only good stuff from that era : Black Sabbath (Heavy as shit for their time), Rush, Bob Dylan.
dude heavy metal sucks so bad man, all it is is a bunch of yelling....and cussing, ypu have to listen to the same song like 20 times before you can make out the 1st verse/[/quote:e4666]
HOOLLY SHIT. Did you just say that about Black Sabbath!? AHAHAHAHA! Dude, you suck. Not one of their songs do they scream at all. Most "heavy metal" bands dont scream.
Hardcore, metal-core, death metal, Black metal, etc do. But ive always been to make out the screaming. eek: