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Default 08-11-2002, 11:54 AM

Here they are:

obj1 The Hunt. Like the SP demo mission. A street that the alies have to battle trough to get to the obj, a Flak 88, which is defended by the church. No respawn

obj V2 Rocket facility
A maze of pathways that lead to the two Objs the Rocket Control Room, and the V2 itself. No respawn

obj 3 Omaha Beach
Allies storm the beach and fight trought the bunker to the objs, two cannons. If played right, this is a fun map, but all to often, it becomes a sniper war, which totally defeats the purpose of the whole map. There is respawn, so it goes until the time limit is up

obj 4 The bridge
Same map as the crossroads, but axis have to destroy the bridge. No Respawn

Hope this helps
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