08-11-2002, 08:06 PM
Yes its easy to ignore the real reason we live in a fallen world and that reason is satan. He was the highest & most powferful angel created by God, but pride caused him to think he could be just as God, thus he was cast out of heaven with 1/3 of the angels (now demons) following him.
Satan loves when children are killed, he laughs when our loved ones are hurt , he is "a roaring lion seeking about whom he may devour" He hates you and wants you for his own.
He wants you to think he is a fairytale, and encourages that thinking. He is the great deceiver.
Fortunately he is not omnipresent and cannot be all places at once but he is organized and has many followers whom make his rounds for him.
Yes, demon possession is real and happens, but mostly satan relies on our own evil nature to do his will and lets us hang ourselves when given enough rope.
Evil is rewarded with more evil just as the punishment for sin is more sin. The more freedom one thinks they have to do as they please, the more a slave to sin they actually are.
Don't forget Christ can break the chains of sin that so ensnares us.[/quote:a268f]
:lol: You think we live in a dangerous and crime filled world because of "satan" :lol: