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Brothers In Arms Demo Info
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Default Brothers In Arms Demo Info - 12-23-2004, 02:58 PM

Although no official date was given, Randy Pitchford, president of Gearbox Software, posted this info to the companies forums.

"The demo will likely be two chapters with some information about other features and content that are avialable in the full game to go with it.

The first chapter will be a cut down version of the chapter we call "Rendevouz with Destiny" - it includes Baker's jump into Normandy, some link ups with notable characters and an introduction to control and combat. The demo version of this chapter is about half the size as the chapter in the full game.

The second chapter in the demo is from about half-way through the game. It is called "The Fall of St. Come". In this chapter, Baker, five of his squad plus the Plt. Sgt (Mac Hassey) and the radio opr (Pvt. Leggett - the guy with the glasses). You'll have a chance to understand some of the interesting characters and you'll get to do some great squad combat using fire and move tactics against combined arms (including infantry, mortars and other things we'd rather you discovered by playing).

I won't spoil what happens in the chapters, but I will talk a little about the history behind it...

Historically, the town was cleared by small unit actions of mixed units of 101st and even 82nd airborne, but were primarily 506PIR (with some 502PIR that came from the north). After it fell on D+2, St. Come-du-Mont became the primary staging area for the entire 101st while the 502nd PIR pushed down Purple Heart Lane into Carentan. About 5,000 paratroopers followed Baker's path around Dead Man's Corner taking a North turn at the crossroads to CP at St. Come. It was these troopers, using the land mark of the killed Stuart tank at the crossroads that gave the location the name "Dead Man's Corner". It's become a legend amongst the paratroopers and the locals who have called it that ever since.

Before the fall of the town, St. Come-du-Mont had regular infantry from the 91st infantry division and some mechanized units as well. Most of the germans in the area had been moving south to Carentan since D-Day, so the remaining forces were less than a company.

This is fortunate for Baker because he is only one squad...

Mortars harrassed the small units. Mechanized units were meant to delay them (not enough was left in St. Come to stop them).

The recreation of the town in BiA is very accurate - the church and buildings are all the real ones and in the correct spots. It's pretty neat."
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