08-12-2002, 11:37 AM
Bug Fixes:
-the ladder bug on V2 (let's people sink into the floor)
-all the other underground bugs
-the grenade bs where a player throws one and switches teams
-all other cheats and exploits (there are others, but the three above are the most annoying)
Features and gameplay fixes:
-limit grenades to 3 or 2 (grenade spamming ruins most of the maps on bigger servers...not to mention that it's dumb and unrealistic when everyone throws half a dozen grenades all over the map)
-weaken shotgun (or increase the cooldown time between shots, make it less accurate)
-weaken Rocket (much slower and less accurate, player must be farther away from an object to not kill himself)
-weaken sniper rifle (make it less accurate when not zoomed in, more time needed to deploy, make the scope move around a bit)
-add easy voting
That's all I can think of right now.