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Default 12-29-2004, 10:58 AM

Vietnam seemed to be a scarier war to me than World War 2. Thats just my opinion....I'd rather fight and die on a some beach then do it in a dark, damp jungle, not even seeing my enemy.

You know, living without technology really gives you a peace of mind. I remember staying at my Thai relatives house over in Thailand, and they didnt have TV, radio, nadda. I would wake up and watch the cows eat grass, then I'd fly my kite, and when the thunderstorms came, everyone would gather outside, and watch the flashes against the clouds in the distance. (BTW, my moms Thai but my dads Irish/American, and I have NO TRACE of Thai looks in myself. I look like an American kid. thread)

So, the times without technology pretty much were the 30's, 40's, and some 50's. I couldnt live without music, though, and I wont listen to Jazz, so I think I'd choose the 90's, just because of the music.
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