Thread: Stalked?
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Default 08-12-2002, 01:27 PM

It wasn't me. I did something kinda like that to a friend once though. I saw that he (Mazzo) was on an Omaha only server. I logged on as Mazzo's Worst Nightmare and clubbed him a few times with my pistol (FF was off) just to get his attention. Then I went Axis and sniped him a bunch of times (I know where he likes to snipe/camp from on Omaha Beach). I only did it for a couple of rounds and then he got mad and logged off. I did it to him again for a few rounds the next night. What made it really funny was listening to him complain about being stalked for a week before I admitted it was me. :lol:

Anyway, it could be one of your friends messin' with ya.
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