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Calling all idiots (and sane people as well)
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Default Calling all idiots (and sane people as well) - 12-29-2004, 04:07 PM

Ok, i found out that this kid has kiddie porn saved on his damn hard drive... The kid is such a douche-bag, it's not even funny. I was at his house watching a movie and looked through his files when he wasn't looking. I found a huge stash of little girls rubbing eachother oOo: and some other weird sicko stuff.

Canadians and Americans, I am asking you all to unite for this one instance. You have to spam this kid's AIM screen name. I've been doing it for the past 10mins with random screen names. Just send him atleast 1 message telling him how much of an ass-whipe he is.

AIM screen name: Solar8388