12-29-2004, 04:12 PM
[quote="newt.":43aed][quote="Sgt. Duffy":43aed]Duffy is actually my last name. I just added Sgt. cause it sounded cool, and was better suited for military forums/ games.[/quote:43aed]
whats ur first name[/quote:43aed]
Its actually Knotthibahdi. No joke. Im dead serious, my mom is Thai, and my dad Irish/America, and while I really have no trace of any kind of Asian looks at all, I am, and therefore, I got the name. Everyone except my family calls me Duffy. My middle name is Matt. I sign my papers "Matt Duffy" not "Knotthibahdi Duffy", though Im using my middle and last name, so teachers end up getting confused, and call me "K. Matt Duffy"