12-29-2004, 09:46 PM
DAs REich X: Sup Dude. This is Matt
DAs REich X: hey man, I am from Georgia, my gf is right next to me
B1ack Goose: hey, why are you IMing me
DAs REich X: because my buddies told me to
B1ack Goose: do you know anyone in PA
DAs REich X: Not really.. not personalluy
B1ack Goose: why did you IM me
B1ack Goose: i mean i know your buddy told you to
B1ack Goose: but why
DAs REich X: I have nothing else to do man..
B1ack Goose: do you know a paulius2003
DAs REich X: nope.. sorry dude...
B1ack Goose: is this all some kind of joke
DAs REich X: i am not sure.. maybe... ask someone else
B1ack Goose: how did your friends get my sn
DAs REich X: so far it's being distrubuted on 9 different sites
DAs REich X: where spamming people is encouraged...
B1ack Goose: do you think someone put my sn there as a joke
B1ack Goose: what sites?
DAs REich X: i dunno, but you are also being reported to some site about kiddie porn, you are going to be getting a few calls maybe
B1ack Goose: from who
DAs REich X: some private agency about pedophiles
DAs REich X: err wait
DAs REich X: it's a hacking group
DAs REich X: they hack you computer and try to find kiddie porn and they'll report you to Feds
B1ack Goose: but i dont have any kiddie porn
B1ack Goose: why would it say that
B1ack Goose: and how did they get my sn on those site
B1ack Goose: s
DAs REich X: i dunno
B1ack Goose: what sites
DAs REich X: i hve no fucking idea dude
B1ack Goose: ask your friends
DAs REich X: nah man, they are all busy
DAs REich X: crazy mexican bitch
B1ack Goose: were you serious about the site thing
DAs REich X: say no to PEDOPHILIAGE!
DAs REich X: YES
B1ack Goose: then tell me one site for confirmation
B1ack Goose: i need to see it
DAs REich X: no you don't
DAs REich X: they are passworded anyway
B1ack Goose: yes i do
B1ack Goose: tell me
DAs REich X: i have to go
DAs REich X: later man
B1ack Goose: no you dont
B1ack Goose: help
B1ack Goose signed off at 7:36:23 PM.
B1ack Goose: hey whos this
udetingo: Frank The Tank, DEWD!
B1ack Goose: matt wright?
udetingo: YEH MAN
udetingo: Matt Wright the Juggler from Compton
B1ack Goose: whats you asl
udetingo: Not really Matt Wright, this is his girlfriend, Alexsa Smith. 19/F/GA
B1ack Goose: ok, did you just try to IM solar8388?
udetingo: Yeah
B1ack Goose: why
udetingo: Fuck, I dunno. Matt told me too
B1ack Goose: wheres matt live
B1ack Goose: what state
udetingo: Georgia
B1ack Goose: do you know who Das reich x is
udetingo: yeah, that's Matt
B1ack Goose: why is he IMing me
udetingo: because someone told him to
B1ack Goose: do you konw who abaddayinbosnia is
B1ack Goose: this is messed up, lots of people keep IMing me
udetingo: oh I am sorry.. yeah, Matt and his friends can be annoying and bug people..
B1ack Goose: but its lots of people, like over 20
B1ack Goose: and i dont know who they are
B1ack Goose: do you know a paulius2003
udetingo: no, i don't
B1ack Goose: did matts friends tell you to IM me and ask about kiddie porn by any chance
udetingo: Yeah... They said you have tons of it and you even have tried running your own little private gallery over the internet
B1ack Goose: well thats all bullshit, but why did they want to IM me
B1ack Goose: is this all like a joke
udetingo: i dunno
B1ack Goose: come on, please help out here
udetingo: i have some nude pics.. want a few
B1ack Goose: no
udetingo: ah come on, i know you do
B1ack Goose: no i dont, this isnt funny either
B1ack Goose: do you know someone with the sn aligurl or something
udetingo: No, sorry, I do not
udetingo: :-)
B1ack Goose signed off at 7:35:04 PM.