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Wal-Mart Cat Shooting..
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Default Wal-Mart Cat Shooting.. - 12-30-2004, 07:53 AM

Does Buck work at a Wal-mart?..Shrink Wrap oOo:

[quote:3151c]EVANSVILLE, Indiana (AP) -- Two Wal-Mart employees who police say followed a manager's orders to shoot and kill a stray cat have been charged with federal animal cruelty.

The men, both assistant managers at the Supercenter, were arrested and released after a court appearance Wednesday.

Christopher Anderson, 29, and Jeffrey Hardin, 21, told police the store's manager ordered them to get rid of the animal that was living in a storage trailer behind their store.

A truck driver who reported the incident said he saw store employees placing what he believed to be a dead animal in shrink wrap a day after he heard workers joking about shooting the cat.[/quote:3151c]

[url=]Full Article Here[/url:3151c]

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