Originally Posted by CoMaToSe
Anybody here ever read the zombire survival guide? Always have practical weaponry. The best combo is the Katana, a crowbar, some Molotav Cocktails, and a carbine rifle. Specialty weapons suck. The best armor is tight clothes and short hair. Shotguns have one use: Stopping power.
Loud weapons, such as chainsaws, should be avoided because they will attract more zombies. Kevlar will do you no good against zombies, since most bites occur on the extremeties, and any1 shooting that you hope to protect from would be going for a headshot anyway. Flamethrowers are impractical, becasue theu are illegal and therefore difficult to find extra fuel for. Any fire should be a last ditch effort, or used exclusively to destroy bodies, as a flame can easily go out of control. Machine guns and SMGs should be avoided. They are designed to wreak havoc in the torso mainly something which would not work against a zombie, and an accurate headshot is iffy at best.