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Alright...who's this Evil_Hom3r guy?
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Default Alright...who's this Evil_Hom3r guy? - 01-01-2005, 06:27 PM

Real quick question....

Im not up to date on all these gaming "celebrities", as the only one I know of are F@tal1ty (whom I've seen tons of videos of...his aim is crazily good), but Im seeing a lot of this Evil_Homer guy...everywhere.

I've played him atleast 17 times in MOHAA, and I see him at countless forums. He's the webmaster of Planet Battlefield, somehow owns the GameSpy Forumplanet forums, seems to also own the IGN forums (As he has a whopping 50,000 posts. Not 5,000...50,000) and I've seen lots of references to him as a "gaming idol". Now, is this guy just some supreme webmaster, or is he more than that?

Can anyone maybe give me something like one of his sites, an autobiography ( I bet you there is one ) or just...anything at all? This is just for mah own curiosity, and isnt really a place you can discuss, I guess.
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