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Default 01-03-2005, 02:09 AM

Thailand: 3,000 Swedes may be among dead

(CNN) -- At least 246 non-nationals have been killed in the tsunamis of December 26, and hundreds more are missing. Following is a breakdown from official sources in the citizens' countries, unless otherwise noted.

Australia: 11 dead; the government says it has "grave concerns" about 107 others; another 950 Australians are unaccounted for

Austria: 5 dead, more than 100 missing

Britain: 40 dead

Canada: 5 dead, 13 missing and another 74 unaccounted for

Denmark: 7 dead, 14 missing

Finland: 4 dead; the foreign ministry says another 214 people are missing

France: 22 dead, 18 injured

Germany: 26 dead, hundreds missing. Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said he fears "a significant three-digit number of Germans will be among the dead."

Israel: 4 dead, 6 missing

Italy: 14 dead, 600 missing

Japan: 8 dead, according to Sri Lankan foreign minister.

New Zealand: 1 dead, 64 missing

Norway: 21 dead, 462 missing

Portugal: 8 missing; others unaccounted for but not yet listed missing.

Russia: 10 injured, some missing. Foreign ministry has no confirmed fatalities; Thai authorities have said Russians are among the dead.

Singapore: 3 dead

Spain: Foreign Ministry has no confirmations of any deaths; 11 reported missing in Thailand.

Sweden: 52 bodies have been identified. Another 2,915 Swedes are listed as missing. The Swedish prime minister's office has said the death toll could rise to as many as 1,000. The Thai government believes more than 3,000 people missing in Thailand are Swedish tourists.

Switzerland: 9 dead

Turkey: Turkish Airlines is sending a jet to Maldives to pick up what they believe will be 300 Turkish nationals there.

United States: 15 dead.

Other: Dead and/or missing also have been reported but unconfirmed by CNN from Belgium, China, South Africa, South Korea and Taiwan.
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