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Default 01-03-2005, 06:04 PM

Graphics HL

Vehicles halo 2

Weapons .357 magnum+physics cannon

Enemy AI choopen in hl2

Friendly AI halo 2, all those "sorry gordon" comments after i had to push my teammates aside so i could get to the other side of a hallway. plus alyx got hooked up on everything

Maps half life 2, felt like a persistent world with a real problem. halo 2 just felt like levels

Story hl2. best ending in a game.... ever

Music hl2. crazy music when you fight the striders

Sound hl2. realistic explosions

Physics i think they both use the same physics engine so its a draw

Characters barney... fucking barney man. I <3 EWE

Cooler Armor HEV suit is gay but the halo armour is equally gay. draw

"Drama" factor hl2. i got fucking pissed when that chick betrays you when you're in nova prospekt

"Scare" Factor neither were scary. draw again

Gameplay i liked hl2 better due to the better control over the firefights

Potential for a Movie hl2. best storyline in a game

Overall hl2>halo (that could easily change if they had just included marines in MP)
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