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Default 01-04-2005, 01:37 AM

Originally Posted by "Sniped Ur Azz":3c243

Thats cute but, the Mods-R-Us version is WEAK compared to this. Not saying that what they did is horrible sleeping: Just saying that compared to this one by Jv_Map, it is CRAP. Jv_Map blew them out of the water.

they appouched it in totally different ways.
wouldnt go as far and call it crap its still very very cool got some cool features in it, but jv_map is def the best scripter around for moh no doubt happy:[/quote:3c243]

Yes this is true, they did do it in different ways, but I am only stating that COMPARED to Jv_Map's is. Not saying that theirs is in general, I am only talking on a comparison basis. They did a good job, my hats off to them. Both are great, JV_Maps is the best...simple as that.

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