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Re: Skeptic
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Default Re: Skeptic - 08-12-2002, 10:04 PM

Originally Posted by brad0ca
So you'er saying that being killed by an axis using a rifle when both of your are in your spawn points... and can't even see eachother... That small space of view bewteen all of the building was enough for him to see you? I highly doubt that. But thanks for your comment.
No he didnt say that and how the hell could he?
You havent even specified what game or map you were playing nor how you have the faintest idea as to what spawnpoint he spawned from.

People doubt what youre saying becuase you havent submitted anything that readers could review in order to make an assessment like that. Maybe a screenshot with location values, please?

So without something like that its just you saying this happened and you know it to be a result of a guy using an aimbot but without any sort of proof. Please join the back of the queue under the sign "People who got shot in the head and didnt like it". ta

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