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Heres the facts
brad0ca is Offline
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Default Heres the facts - 08-12-2002, 10:12 PM

Of course it's medal of honor. Thats what this forum is for basically... Anyways for specifics...

I forget the map name (may have been a custom map), it was a team deathmatch... That guy was at a spawn point at the other end of the map... I know this because exactly 2 seconds before, my friend killed him... So obviously he can't run that fast so he must be in the general spawn area...

He shot me with a rifle... Yes i know they are accurate for a far distance and are powerful. He was on axis too. BUT, he either had an incredible game fluke or something because i respawned the immediatly died.

It shocks me that you can kill someone when you can only see a dot in the far off distance.

Other proof is i've seen overnight changes in player behavior and just shots that are almost impossible to make. I know there are true aces out there but come on. You can tell when a person is making shots he/she couldn't make. Some shots not even experts could make.

Aimbots are out there. I know they are, and when i find a way to detect them, You fuckers are goin down.

For the people that are true aces, i appologise for anything i may have said to insult you. I respect you even though at times you may piss me off... alot... Thats it. Thats all i have to say on that specific area.
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