08-13-2002, 04:43 AM
Uninstall it!, if it doesn't work heres what you do.
DELETE the Mohaa folder in side EA GAMES, then next you gotta re-move the reg (registry) file, very easy.
delete any files or folder pertaining to moh
then you need to use regedit to clean the registry
to access Regedit goto Start --> Run -- type in Regedit
hkey local machine\software\eagames\...delete the mohaa folder
hkey current user\software\2015\delete moh folder (Not sure on this one, when this happened to me I never had a 2015 folder :-?)
hkey curruent user\software\eagames...delete mohaa folder ..if it exists
hkey local machine \software\microsoft\windows\current version\uninstall..delete the string..{0DEA94ED-915A-4834-A87E-388D012C8E02}
THEN re-installed Mohaa....it'll work, my mohaa was messed up and it wouldn't let me reinstalled or uninstall it.