Thread: 3.5 Million..
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3.5 Million..
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Default 3.5 Million.. - 01-08-2005, 12:58 PM

Nickels are gone...Honestly, who would steal a buncha nickels, you could only haul so much into a place to get it exchanged into cash.. oOo:

[quote:b912e]MIAMI, Florida (AP) -- A truck driver has disappeared with the 3.6 million nickels he was hauling to the Federal Reserve Bank in New Orleans, police said Friday.

Angel Ricardo Mendoza, 43, picked up the coins, worth $180,000, December 17 from the Federal Reserve in New Jersey and was supposed to haul the cargo -- weighing 45,000 pounds -- to New Orleans for a trucking company subcontracted by the Federal Reserve, police said.

On December 21, Mendoza's empty truck and trailer turned up at a truck stop in Fort Pierce, Florida.[/quote:b912e]

[url=]Full Article Here[/url:b912e]

ps: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are done cry:

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