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Default 01-08-2005, 03:33 PM

Originally Posted by Eames
Originally Posted by Trunks
Eames, you only see half of the picture. I dont doubt the US military might, however, think about the US civil war. The South was supposed to have lost within a couple months, and yet because of their superior tacticians and generals they were able to hd out for 4 years... I am not saying that they have better commanders, I am merely implying that underestimating them could end in a heavy loss of life. Plus there is the fact that if there is a war, most likely it will be on N. Korea territory, and they will be fighting for their country, to protect it from invaders, they will be fighting for the cities in which they grew up in, and the places in which they shared so many memories... This will give them quite a bit of morale, and morale is a very important factor to consider as well.
i think you misunderstood me, no doubt its going to be a tuff will be the first conventional war we would have fought since the persian gulf war (which really was just a show of force) more correctly you could say the last conventional war we have ever fought was the first korean war. I don't think the conventional aspect of the war will last very long at all....korea is a peninsula...and peninsula's are hard to defend...all we would have to do is pull another inchon style amphibous invasion, and we would cut north korea in half and our forces would roll over them, the urban combat for the cities might be intense and thats probably where most casualities will come from. Again, because its a peninsula the navy will have acess to every part of their country and would be able to offer close in air suport thats only a few minutes away, not like in iraq where aircraft have to fly from the persian gulf or red sea to reach their targets, naval air suport will literally be minutes away 24/7. We don't have to worry about "underestimating" anything, the pentagon has plans for the invasion of every country on earth, espicially potetential threats like north korea. Our biggest threat from them is their wmd aresenal that they will most likley unleash. That and the occupation of the north may prove to be the hardest parts of this conflict, but again north korea differs greatly population wise than iraq. In north korea you have a homogeneus population...their all korean and alot of them have relatives down south that they would love to see again. Most North Koreans want to see a united korea and all they have to do is look at south korea which is prospering and look at their country which is starving to see which goverment was better. I think we would see most north korean citizens not suporting the north and welcoming the unification with the south. the only people that might form resistence are hard corp comunist....but most north koreans would probably turn them in because they were the people that were opressing the shit out of them. alot of people don't realise that north korea is expierencing one of the worst famines in history and alot of their population is starving while the comunist elite live in luxury. they have one of the worst human rights records of any nation in history, with an extensive soviet-stalinisque goolag system that incarerates hundreds of thousands of people. I think the war against north korea would parallel the eventual conquest of nazi germany, not iraq at all. Iraq has many diferent ethinic groups competing for control of the iraqi goverment, this is why you see so much terrorist activity there...each group is viying for power and they see the us as an obstacle to that power. in north korea you see a victomized population that would embrace unification with the south. In fact south korean troops would probably comprise most of the occupation force.

Jesus fucking christ - Have you heard about this wonderful new invention called a PARAGRAPH....For fucks sake. Go back to school.
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