Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by ninty9
Originally Posted by Coleman
Originally Posted by 1080jibber
God and Jesus are not my friend, and the whole idea of there being a God, blows my freaking mind. I dont know how people can belive in that stuff. And i doubt that jesus was a holy figure, and wasnt jesus a jew?
well it seems to me that you're not educated enough on the subject to have a valid opinion on christianity since you don't know the whole story of Jesus' jewish background.
Do you think that most christains are educated enough to have a valid opinion Christianity and Jesus' jewish background?
nope, people are idiots no matter what the hell they believe in. I'm just trying to say that he should run his mouth off calling us stupid and dumb for the things we believe in when he doesn't even know what we actually believe. It's like building a house without knowing anything about carpentry.
when did i call someone stupid and dumb?