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Hollywood is Offline
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Default 01-10-2005, 12:48 PM

The point is, there could not have been "nothingness". You can't create something or have something created from nothing, so there must have always been something out there. I did not say that I think there is an all powerful god, but that there is some kind of higher power that we will never comprehend.

I believe in evolution, because evolution is pretty much fact. There is no way all beings were created at the same time, I mean are Dinosaur bones fake? Is the earth only 4000 years old? Of course not, that's blashphemy.

But you cannot think that the wonder of the universe and life in general does not have some kind of higher importance than just "to live". I don't believe that the human race is owed an explanation for the life that was given to us. But the universe itself is such an impossible entity to understand, something had to create it, and whatever created it had to have been created from something else. Matter does not just appear, and if there was something before matter and atoms and molecules, then my point is invalid because all of the laws of science go out the window.

Bottom line is it all gives me a headache. But just thinking about how there was never a "nothingess" will at least give you comfort in the fact that your life is not insignificant. Maybe there is something after you die, but if nothing happens, well then maybe you can make a comparison to the universe there. Maybe "nothingness" is possible, although it seems like a pardox to me.
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