08-13-2002, 10:39 AM
There's 1/2 grain of truth there. The cones are the vision receptors on, mainly, the central retina. They respond more to central, focused vision and color. The rods are more peripherally located, and respond more to grey scale. They are much more sensitive to changes in light intensity, motion, and pattern changes, etc, and respond quicker to any changes than the cones. The ability to see changes quicker, peripherally, is more important, to avoid being ambushed. The rods also work better in darker conditions, being more protective. The color blinded person, however, has defective cones, not extra, or better, rods, centrally. I have never heard of color blind people reacting to motion any differently, or quicker. (My family has alot of color blindness, but not me)
Hoonose, MD.