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Sucker For A Support our troops & Tsunami re
arkitek is Offline
Posts: 82
Join Date: Feb 2003
Default Sucker For A Support our troops & Tsunami re - 01-13-2005, 12:38 PM

Sup guys, Just wanted to drop this note. The company I work for is trying to encourage people not to forget about the troops that our fighting overseas. We have put a up a web site called For any one who purchases a SUCKER (lolli pop) it will go over seas to a soldier. Just as a reminder that we are still thinking about them and support them.

Also some of the non-profits who have team up with us are sending a their money to the tsunami relief effort. Such as Unicef or the Red Cross. So when you get a chance take a look at the site. And if you have a $1.25 please help out with the effort. Please share this message with your friends and co-workers.



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